Meet Carlie Tasker
Mothers and daughters have a unique bond. We caught up with Carlie Tasker, editor of luxury travel and lifestyle blog about her experience as a new mother. Carlie wanted to mark three generations of women in her family with a beautiful piece of heirloom jewellery. She fell in love with our 9ct Walton Collection - both her and her mother Maxine wear an engraved piece they are planning to pass on to her daughter Grace and future generations.

How has your mother influenced you?
In so many ways, she's definitely 'less is more' when it comes to fashion and prefers to invest in classic pieces over fast fashion. She taught me that pretty early on. She's also very independent (sometimes annoyingly so) which is something else I've taken from her.
What is your favourite memory of you and your mother together?
Singing Lisa Stansfield in the car at the top of our voices when I was little, or more recently hitchhiking in Marrakech whilst on the phone to the British Embassy after one of our trips went awry! It was terrifying at the time but one of our funniest memories when we look back now.
Do you and your mother share the same style (fashion & jewellery)?
Yes, we're both quite classic and minimalistic. It‘s actually quite annoying because we often turn up wearing the exact same thing. It’s cute twinning with your baby, as two grown women - not so much!

What do you love about jewellery?
I love the sentimentality of it. Special pieces that mean something or mark a moment in time.
What draws you to Auree and which are your favourite pieces?
I love the personal approach to the jewellry, such as the birthstones and the disk collections. The Walton collection is my favourite - classic pieces such as the russian wedding ring and the gold bangle are jewellery that will stand the test of time and never go out of style.

What's the best part of being a mother?
The overwhelming love that trumps everything else. There's nothing like it.
What is the best bit of advice you’ve ever been given / biggest piece of advice you’d give to a new mum?
To make the most of every moment because it goes by so quickly. It's only been 3 months but the time has flown by and I already miss those newborn moments so much, even though at the time I felt so exhausted. Also - don't waste your money on too many newborn clothes, They grow out of them so fast!
What treasured pieces / heirlooms will you pass on to your daughter Grace?
My engagement and wedding ring, my Auree bangle which is engraved with my mums, mine and Grace's birthdates inside. And a diamond G necklace that my husband bought me after her birth.

Have you spotted any shared characteristics between your mother, you and Grace?
Grace is quite a chilled baby but she definitely knows what she wants. She spent the first week of her life in SCBU and earned a bit of a reputation for being the feistiest baby on the ward, which I was really proud of! She definitely gets that from my mum.
What have you learned from Lockdown?
To stop waiting for 'better times' and to appreciate the moment. I'm normally a huge planner and someone who lives for the next party, holiday, etc. Lockdown has taught me to practice being in the present more.
Image credits: Carlie Tasker & Rowben Lantion